Sunday, December 8, 2019

And so it Begins!

The first step in any journey is the hardest.  On this journey, the first step is setting up a Blog!  Talk about uncharted territory!  We are sitting together at the computer trying to figure this out, the night before we are to drive to our assignment to the Missouri St. Louis Mission.  Our bags are packed.  Our trailer is loaded.  We've been to the MTC and are ready to go... .but first we must figure out how to post!  Did it work?!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it worked! I look forward to reading your future blogs. You've already inspired me to do better in keeping mine up. It's been literally years since I made my last entry. Okay, I know that's pathetic, but I hope to do better.

      You two are in our prayers daily. What a blessing you are to your mission president and others you serve with. Looks like you jumped in with both feet in full stride.

      Love you both, Joy and Gary
